The Truth behind The Truth Untold

BTS Theories Smeraldo

Hello everyone,

Ok, here we go. The Truth Untold.

This was actually going to be the second song I write about when I first started my blog. On hindsight, I’m glad I didn’t because as it turns out… The Truth Untold is so much richer (and sadder) than I could have ever imagined.

As always, for the purpose of my analysis I will be referring to Namjoon’s lover as “Namjoon’s lover” because I find it helps remove our unconscious bias, allowing us to truly appreciate the lyrics and the story for what it is.

To skip to my final interpretation of the song, please click here.

Be still my beating heart. Let’s go.

Assumed Knowledge

I have written this post assuming you know:

New Readers:

Hello there and welcome to my blog! I’m sorry to say that if you haven’t read any of the above posts… I may lose you in the detail as my lyrical analyses are built on existing knowledge!

This is simply because all of the songs are interconnected and need to be read in a specific order for it to make sense, just like a book.

You can absolutely still continue to read and follow how I draw meaning from the lyrics, but you may not, for example, understand the significance of the antithesis relationship or be able to truly appreciate what is happening with Namjoon.

If you’re wondering where to start, please start here!

Please also note the assumptions I apply when I analyse songs, and most importantly why I have analysed this song from Namjoon’s perspective.

Alright, let’s get it!

1. 전하지 못한 진심 (The Truth Untold) – The antithesis of 보조개 (Dimple)

Based on my observations of the antithesis structure in the Love Yourself albums, I believe that the concept of 전하지 못한 진심 (The Truth Untold) will be the exact opposite of 보조개 (Dimple).

Dimples are often associated with youth and beauty, and are seen to be an attractive quality in a person’s face, accentuating their smiles and making them look more cheerful and memorable.

As we saw, 보조개 (Dimple) was all about the beauty of Namjoon’s lover, who only has one dimple.

Conversely, as per my post The Point of the Smeraldo Flower, the Smeraldo story directly references 전하지 못한 진심 (The Truth Untold); and in the centre of the Smeraldo legend, there is a grotesque man who lives in a castle.

As we will see, the story line in 전하지 못한 진심 (The Truth Untold) mirrors that of the Smeraldo Flower legend.

Further, as discussed in The Motif of the Lonely Monster, any references to monsters (e.g. ugliness), or phantoms (e.g. masks) are part of Namjoon’s recurring motif as the “Lonely Monster.”

So, if 보조개 (Dimple) is all about a person’s beauty, then in theory 전하지 못한 진심 (The Truth Untold) should be about a person’s ugliness.

As we will see… 전하지 못한 진심 (The Truth Untold) is all about Namjoon’s “ugliness”.

This is consistent with my antithesis theory.

In addition, there are many discussions out there about how the Smeraldo Flower legend seems to have been inspired by “Beauty and the Beast.”

Well, I must say… I agree with it. From the beast of a man that lives in a castle, to the rose references, and of course, the love story.

Poetically, another way of looking at it is:

보조개 (Dimple) & 전하지 못한 진심 (The Truth Untold)
Beauty & Ugliness
Beauty & The Beast

2. The Bilingual Title

As discussed in 보조개 (​Dimple), I believe that certain BTS songs have a Korean and English title because it serves a purpose.

In 보조개 (​Dimple), the English title gave a us a hint about Namjoon’s lover: That Namjoon’s lover only has one dimple.

In 전하지 못한 진심 (The Truth Untold), true to its antithesis relationship, it is the Korean title that gives us the clue about Namjoon’s lover.

To summarise this wonderful video by Namjin Home, Namjoon in his Vlive specifically draws our attention to the fact that Jin’s (진) name is in the title of the song.

진 (Jin) means ‘Truth’ in English.

Poetically, Jin is the ‘Truth’ that Namjoon has not told the world about (i.e. The Truth Untold).

3. The Lonely Monster

Full of loneliness
This garden bloomed
Full of thorns
I bind myself in this sand castle

What is your name
Do you have a place to go
Oh could you tell me?
I saw you hiding in this garden

And I know
All of your warmth is real
The blue flowers your hand was picking
I want to hold it but

The first three verses of the song set the scene to mirror the Smeraldo Flower legend:

In the Smeraldo Flower Legend, there was a man who hid in solitude in an old castle in “La Citta di smeraldo”, and wore a mask because he was very “ugly” . It is speculated that as a child born out of wedlock, he received a lot of hatred and jealousy, and thus didn’t open his heart to anyone.

Hence, he shut himself from the world, both in body and his heart.

His only joy was to grow flowers in his garden.

One day, a girl appeared and stole his flowers, and for a while, came back every night to steal them.

The grotesque man slowly fell in love with the girl, but as he did not have the courage to show his real “ugly” self to her, he grew the blue Smeraldo flowers to express his true feelings for her.

As per The Motif of the Lonely Monster, Namjoon is associated with loneliness and employs motifs of the Monsters and Phantoms to characterise himself because he believes they reflect his true image, nature and identity (i.e. that he is ugly).

Connecting the dots, Namjoon is the grotesque man in the legend and is the person who has (metaphorically) exiled himself to the castle in The Truth Untold because he believes he is so monstrously ugly.

A Garden Full of (Rose) Thorns

Though ‘Rose’ is not explicitly mentioned in the lyrics, thorns are generally instinctively associated with roses. In addition, given the recurring imagery of the Rose in the Love Yourself albums, I feel that it is safe to assume that when Namjoon wrote “This garden bloomed full of thorns” , he is referring to roses.

In my post Trivia 承: Love & The Rose, I discussed the significance of the Rose in Namjoon’s story, and its connection to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess.

We discussed how both the Rose and Aphrodite symbolically represent Namjoon’s lover: “Aphrodite was so beautiful, like red roses, strong and alive, and it’s said that each one of the thorns on a rose bush represents the pain that the Greek god felt for each one of her loves

Thus, when Namjoon says that his garden is full of thorns, symbolically Namjoon is expressing the amount of pain that he feels and suffers from loving his lover.

The Sand Castle

Namjoon loves to use the motif of deserts in his lyrics, (e.g. 바다 (Sea)). The desert, being a vast barren wasteland is used to symbolise trials, despair, and philosophically… hope. This is because, (and I quote from The Little Prince which we will hopefully (pun not intended) get to explore how it fits in the the albums one day):

“What makes the desert beautiful,” said the little prince, “is that somewhere it hides a well…”

The Little Prince

In addition, Namjoon uses the imagery of a castle to create the spatial perception of a large elaborate building being occupied by a lone “ugly” man. This imagery, paired with elements of a desert, emphasise the “ugly” man’s loneliness, lack of company, and warmth due to the coldness one must feel from living alone in a large castle.

To keep in mind for future analysis, the desert (and associated imagery) are recurring motifs in the Love Yourself albums and are used to symbolise isolation, loneliness, trials, despair and hope.

4. “Her”

[Verse 2]
What is your name
Do you have a place to go
Oh could you tell me?
I saw you hiding in this garden

[Verse 3 / Pre-Chorus]
And I know
All of your warmth is real
The blue flowers your hand was picking
I want to hold it but

As per my assumptions, order matters in the world of BTS. The significance of this is that it means we can construct a time line based on the lyrics.

If we draw parallels between the above verses to the Smeraldo legend, we can infer that the grotesque man from the legend falls in love with the girl and starts growing the Smeraldo Flowers for her between the second and third verse.

Hence, in the third verse, there are now “blue flowers” (i.e. the Smeraldo) for the girl to pick.

Interestingly, this is the point where the story in The Truth Untold deviates from the legend. In the legend, the girl never got to picked the Smearldos because she died, but in The Truth Untold, the girl does.

The point I’m trying to get to is that the person Namjoon notices “hiding in this garden is a girl, and that the “girl” Namjoon is singing about in The Truth Untold is alive.

As explained in many of my previous posts, when a “girl” appears in Namjoon’s lyrics, this “girl” is Namjoon’s lover.

In other words, the lyrics literally tell us that the “girl” Namjoon loves is alive and has picked and held Smeraldo Flowers.

Only one person in the BTS Universe has held Smeraldos Flowers.


A flower that resembles you

I refer to the following lyrics:

Bloomed in a garden of loneliness
A flower that resembles you

The only thing I can do
In the garden
In this world
Is to bloom a pretty flower that resembles you

The “flower” that resembles the girl, is the Smeraldo flower. As per my Smeraldo page, the Smeraldo Flowers represent sincerity and true (i.e. honest) feelings.

Thus, as this “girl” is the one that picks, holds and resembles the Smeraldo Flower, symbolically this means that this “girl” is the embodiment of sincerity and honesty.

This is consistent with what we learnt in Serendipity about Namjoon’s lover, who is described to be true, sincere and angel-like.

In addition:

All of your warmth is real
너의 온긴 모두 다 짜란 걸

Poetically, this can be read as: All of your warmth is real (Jin).

“Her” and “Him”

As above, Jin’s character is the “girl” who picks and resembles the Smeraldo flowers. For completeness, let’s tie in the three characters whom you can get/pick up Smeraldos from:

  1. The grotesque man: As discussed above, this is Namjoon.
  2. The person in The Truth Untold: As discussed above, this is Namjoon.
  3. Testesso: Though Testesso’s identity is technically unknown, I think it is safe to assume at this point that it is also Namjoon considering all of the story parallels we just discussed. However, if you want more support:
    1. Testesso went to the US and attended the playing card event. We can infer from this that Testesso is comfortable with English. Namjoon is the one most fluent and comfortable with English.
    2. Testesso went to Italy. If my ARMY sources are correct, Namjoon seems to love Italy and has been to Italy three times for a holiday.
    3. Testesso believes in fate and destiny. I quote: “He believes there is fate tying him to the smeraldos.” As you would have read in Serendipity, DNA, 보조개 (​Dimple), Trivia 承: Love (P1, P2 and the Rose), (Outro) Her: By Namjoon, Namjoon is a big believer in fate and destiny.

In other words, The story of The Truth Untold is about Jin and Namjoon.

Poetically, if we want to use the Beauty and the Beast analogy…

The story of The Truth Untold is literally about Beauty (aka Worldwide handsome) and the “Beast” (aka Rap Monster).

Further, we also know that the Smeraldo Flowers were “discovered” on 13 June 2013 (or 12 June in some countries), the day BTS debuted.

Given that the Smeraldo Flowers are connected to Jin and Namjoon, and that 진 means “Truth”:

Symbolically, Namjoon’s relationship with Jin is the ‘Truth’ that Namjoon has not told the world… and this untold ‘Truth’ (i.e. secret) started the day they debuted.

In other words, on the day BTS debuted, Namjoon was in a relationship with Jin; and from that day on it became a secret they (and BTS) could tell no one.

This is because their relationship is forbidden as per Serendipity and 보조개 (​Dimple).

This time line is also consistent with what we observed in DNA Part 2.

5. Pushing “Her” away

I want to hold it but

It’s my fate
Don’t smile on me
Light on me
Because I can’t get closer to you
There’s no name you can call me

You know that I can’t
Show you me
Give you me
I can’t show you a ruined part of myself
Once again I put a mask on and go to see you
But I still want you

Namjoon tells his lover “don’t smile on me, light on me…” This imagery is extremely poetic as Namjoon’s lover (as per previous posts) is described to be pure and angel-like. Hence, the image of his lover smiling and shining down like a sun on Namjoon further emphasises how his lover is like an Angel, one that radiates light rays like the sun.

We can also see for the first time in this Love Yourself songs that Namjoon is rejecting his lover’s love and pushing “Her” away: Don’t smile on me, light on me… I can’t get closer to youI can’t show you ME …give you Me…”

Namjoon pushes his lover away because he is ashamed of a ruined part of himself, “there’s no name you can call meI can’t show you a ruined part of myself” , and lacks the courage to reveal his “ugly” side to his lover.

As per my earlier posts and explained here, having a ‘Name’ is significant in Namjoon’s work as a ‘Name’ represents your identity. If someone “speaks” your real name, it symbolically means that that person loves you for who you truly are.

Thus, when Namjoon tells his lover “there’s no name you can call me” , Namjoon is telling his lover that his real self is so “ugly” , it is something his lover cannot possibly love.

Namjoon ends the chorus with “but I still want you…”

From this, we can see that though Namjoon has rejected his lover’s love and pushed “Her” away, Namjoon still continues to love and yearn for “Her”.

6. The Break Up

Bloomed in a garden of loneliness
A flower that resembles you
I wanted to give it to you
After I take off this foolish mask

In the above verse, Namjoon expresses how he wished he could give the Smeraldo Flowers to his lover.

Symbolically, Namjoon is expressing his desire to be able to share his true feelings of pain and sadness* with his lover; and just like the grotesque man in the legend, reveal the “ugliness” behind the mask.

*As discussed in Fake Love and The SEAcret “Whole New” side of Namjoon and Tonight (이 밤)

Namjoon’s Lack of Courage

But I know
I can’t do that forever
I have to hide
Because I’m ugly*
(*Alternative translation: Because I’m a Monster)

I am afraid
I am shattered
I’m so afraid
That you will leave me again in the end
Once again I put on a mask and go to see you

In the above verses, Namjoon shares again why he couldn’t reveal his true feelings to his lover: Because of his belief that he is so ugly he needs to hide, and that his lover would leave him if his lover ever saw his “ugly” side.

Interestingly, Namjoon says that he is “so afraid that you will leave me again in the end.”

We can infer from this that at this part of the story, Namjoon and his lover have broken up, and he is thus afraid that if he tried to get back together by revealing his “ugly” side, his lover will reject him again.

We can also infer from:

  • the pent up frustration we saw in Fake Love; and
  • Namjoon’s adamant decision that he can’t show his “ruined” side to his lover, “you know that I can’t show you me, give you me…”

…that Namjoon and his lover broke up because his lover was unable to accept “Fake” Namjoon.

Working with Smeraldos

Even after the break up, Namjoon continues to hide behind his mask, “once again I put on a mask and go to see you.”

Resigned to being alone, Namjoon decides that:

The only thing I can do
In the garden
In this world
Is to bloom a pretty flower that resembles you
And to breathe as the me that you know
But I still want you
I still want you

Bloom a pretty flower that resembles you” = Grow Smeraldo Flowers

Linking this back to the Smeraldo story, Testesso says that the reason why he works with Smeraldos is so that he can help others deliver their true feelings.

Since Testesso is Namjoon, Namjoon is expressing his decision that though he himself may not have been able to express his true feelings, he hopes he can help others (i.e. ARMY, the whole world, etc) express theirs.

And in the meantime… he will continue to try and “breathe as the me that you know” , and pretend to be his happy normal “original” self.

7. Regret

Maybe back then
Just a little
Just this much
If I had the courage to stand before you
Would everything be different now

The above verse mirrors Testesso’s and the grotesque man’s feelings in the Smearldo story. Similarly to them, Namjoon is left wondering filled with regret what would have happened if he had simply had the courage to reveal his true feelings and “ugly” side to his lover.

Namjoon cries in grief in the following verse:

I’m crying
At this sandcastle, left alone
Looking at this broken mask

(난 울고 있어
홀로 남겨 이 모래성에서
부서 가면을 바라보면서)

As above, Jin’s name appears in the lyrics.

Poetically (and heartbreakingly), this can be read as:

I’m crying
(Jin) disappeared
(Jin) collapsed*
At this sandcastle, (Jin) left (leaving me) alone
Looking at this broken mask (broken because of Jin)

*To be read with the meaning that Namjoon’s relationship with Jin has collapsed, or Jin caused Namjoon to collapse.

The words “disappeared… collapsed… broken mask” , conjure a pitiful and heartbreaking image of a damaged inconsolable ugly phantom, all alone in a large barren castle, in pain and anguish from a broken heart.

Namjoon ends the song:

And I still want you
But I still want you
But I still want you
And I still want you

The above lyrics are repeated in the two Post-Chorus and in the final outro section of the song. This has the mournful effect of echoing Namjoon’s cries and wails through the empty halls of his broken castle, and emphasising his persistent, endless, and enduring desire and love for Jin.

Though Namjoon and Jin have officially broken up, Namjoon undying love for Jin persists and continues…

Author’s Summary

The Truth Untold is about:

1: Namjoon’s relationship with Jin (i.e. The Truth Namjoon has not been able to tell the world since they debuted); and

2: The reason why Jin and him broke up (i.e. because he could not share his true feelings of pain and sadness* and reveal his true self to Jin).

*As what we have previously discussed in The SEAcret “Whole New” side of Namjoon and Tonight (이 밤)

Gosh, I’m breathless and my heart feels like it is about to explode! The Truth Untold is just utterly heartbreaking… you can literally feel Namjoon’s painful cries coming from the deepest part of his soul through the lyrics and melody.

I would like to remind everyone though that this song was written at a point in time, and thus may not reflect what Namjoon is feeling right now. And from the bottom of my heart after “reading ahead” on songs, I truly believe he is in a much better place 🙂

If you still have the energy to read on (bless you’re amazing and a trooper!), I have provided below further supporting ties to 1Q84 just for extra reading material and completeness.

Otherwise, thank you for reading my post! If you like my work, please subscribe to my blog below, share this with your friends, and/or connect with me on Twitter! Your support is much appreciated!

x G

Addendum: The parallels with 1Q84

I have provided further material below to illustrate and support my reasoning why I believe BTS were particularly inspired by 1Q84 when they were developing the blueprints of the Love Yourself series.

At the center of 1Q84 is a love story, where the two protagonist, due to the lack of courage, never admitted their feelings for one another. Luckily for them though, as they were destined to be together, destiny brought them together after 20 odd years of not seeing each other.

I refer to two passages from 1Q84 which I believe we will be able to easily draw parallels to the story told in The Truth Untold.

For a very long time after that, Tengo continued to regret his actions – or more precisely, his lack of action. Now, finally, he could think of the words that he could have spoken to her. Inside him at last were the things that he wanted to tell her, the things he should have told her. It would not have been so hard. He should have stopped her on the street and said something. If only he had found a good opportunity and whipped up a tiny bit of courage! But that had been impossible for Tengo. And now the chance was lost forever.


At such times, Tengo would think, I guess I’ll never be able to detach myself from her. And he would kick himself again, now that it was too late, for never having spoken to her in the hall-way. If only I had made myself do it! If only I had said something to her, my life might be very different.


I hope you enjoyed that! 🙂

Lyric sources: Genius lyrics, and Doolset lyrics
Please note that I did change some of the lyrics. Changes were made where I either noticed an error, or when I thought it could be expressed better. I did not make any major changes that would materially impact the meaning of the lyrics.


As per my first author’s note, please, no hate!

I do not have a shipping or individual bias, I love all seven members equally and I do not write my blogs because of a particular personal desire for one of them.

I analyse songs with consideration to the author’s perspective (and Namjoon just happens to be the main author of most songs).

It does not matter one bit to me if they are straight, gay, intersex, a skrull, a mutant or if they could lay eggs. I love them wholeheartedly (as a sister who would love her younger brothers) for their individual selves.

This theory of The Truth Untold is based on my interpretations of its lyrics. Please enjoy.

24 thoughts on “The Truth behind The Truth Untold”

  1. I wonder if the color blue of smeraldo flower has anything to do with the BLUE in the lyrics of trivia love (my mood is blue blue blue)

  2. I don’t care if I’m a year late. I just wanted to comment one thing (which almost caused an asthma attack when I thought of it):

    And then Jin had to sing the song. Countless times.

  3. I can actually very much disagree. I think you’re overthinking and most of these are misconceptions. The story is based on the smeraldo flower and based on a story of a man trying to pursue a girl but is too late (long story short). It is a little offensive when the boys poured their song in this song and us to assume the song is revolved around Jin and Joon is a lil… Ehhh. TTU is a storyline, not a breakup song. Trying to paint TTU as a narrative to fit your ship is a little delusional. The theory is cool but although, there is no solid evidence.

    1. Hi JJ, you’re absolutely welcome to disagree with me on who “she” is. As I have said in my overarching theory, I am not here to convince you that Namjin is real, my theory is simply based on the premise that Joon is writing about his experience with love, which is very different to saying it IS Jin:

      I simply think objectively that I THINK it is Jin based on stringing clues together. As you said, I am doing this because it is one whole narrative and we cannot analyse TTU in isolation.

      You can see in my blog I have stringed the songs into an entire narrative as consistent with what Joon said here:

      I would like to suggest to you not to read TTU in isolation but my entire blog in its entirety as you will see that we share the same belief: that this song is one small part of a large narrative. My blog is not just about a ship. It is something a lot more and it IS based on the following assumption which I have used as evidence: that BTS are not lying when they say they most of the lyrics they write are based on their experiences.

      To assume anything else, would be to assume BTS are liars, which I do not think they are. To assume namjoon did not write TTU, serendipity, trivia love, singularity, fake love, and dimple based on his experience is then to assume he is a lair, which I don’t think he is.

      Also, you will see below in my disclaimer that I am not biased towards any ships. I genuinely love them all and I am an older lady who will not be crying if I am wrong about Jin and Joon. And I honestly couldn’t give a hoot who they date and what gender they are dating.
      All I wish for them is to be happy. If I am wrong and it is Joon’s high school gf he is writing about, then cool no worries. If it is about a girl or guy who works at HYBE, cool no worries. It still does not affect my theory because it is based on the premise of Namjoon’s lover, NOT Jin.

      Hope that makes sense, have a great day!

  4. I can actually very much disagree. I think you’re overthinking and most of these are misconceptions. The story is based on the smeraldo flower and based on a story of a man trying to pursue a girl but is too late (long story short). It is a little offensive when the boys poured their song in this song and us to assume the song is revolved around Jin and Joon is a lil… Ehhh. TTU is a storyline, not a breakup song. Trying to paint TTU as a narrative to fit your ship is a little delusional.

  5. Even I had a little hint that “The Truth Untold” was Joon and Jin’s . Your analysis and theories still left out of words. Haaah ! I need to be breathe. You’re really awesome

  6. I am actually wondering about your thoughts on the Song, Let me know, from their album, Dark and Wild. (I know it could probably be nothing, and I’m just weird ⊂((・▽・))⊃)

    1. Hahaha I think you might be thinking… What am I to you? 😁🙃

      Maybe, maybe not. I will need to consider the whole album to feel comfortable on where I stand. But it does certainly “look” like what I think you’re thinking about!

  7. Maybe this doesn’t mean much but during the Bon Voyage in Hawaii (2017? before Billboards), Namjoon made a very interesting statement. He said “Jin is a very genuine person”. It kind of ties in with the description you have from the lyrics of the person. Sincerity in particular. Just something to add to the little easter eggs I suppose.

    1. Hey Mithila! It is all these tiny bits of information that add weight to my theory and demonstrate its consistency 😊 so they are all important!! Thank you for sharing! 💜

  8. Waiting for your mots7 series. I have already read every theories of your blog in a span of two days and it is quite consistent with my thoughts.Keep up and fighting.

    1. Hi Shubhi, thank you for your messages! 😊 I’m glad to hear that and thank you for pointing out that inconsistency about Jin’s dimple in the other post. I’m not sure why to be honest! Hopefully everything else is ok 😊👌🏻

  9. You give your readers the gift of a deeper understanding of poet Namjoon… and the evolving lyrical story written about his great love -Jin. Cannot thank you enough for your research, attention to detail and your own amazing thought process. You make every attempt to be respectful to these two remarkable men. I have cried every time I play this song without even knowing the true meaning….now with new insights and an image of dear Namjoon wandering through a vast and empty castle lamenting…”I still want you”….I will have a big, embroidered silk handkerchief ready before I listen…this song is too romantic and classy for mere tissues. Seriously my heart feels fluttery and I can’t stop my teary smile. The song is heartbreaking but I think we all feel this destined love will always triumph in the end. I hope you enjoy writing your BTS theories as much as we love reading them. Thank you for this gift.

    1. I wish Smeraldos were real so I could express my true feelings of gratitude and happiness to you! 💜🥰
      Hahaha aw and I agree! I should totally consider getting a special handkerchief for myself! Haha, the quality of this song is just out of this world.
      When I hear it now… I can no longer just hum to it. I feel every bit of his emotion, pain and anguish… especially the last bridge and outro. So much pain has been imprinted onto this song and woven into the melody, it is truly a masterpiece.
      And knowing that there are readers like you that enjoy my blog, I could not be any happier writing them 😊🥰 Thank you. 💜

  10. The more I read your theories, the more Joon’s and Jin’s behavioral patterns throughout the years makes more sense to me. This is only what I observed tho, its just me really I’m no specialist and of course I don’t know the members personally, but I kind of noticed some things and it was odd.

    After I watched many many vids, I kind of noticed Joon and Jin being extremely close during the years 2013-2015 (just according to what I observed on what is available online haha). Then all of a suddenly, I don’t know…they became different, a little bit distant during 2016 till early 2018 (or late 2017). Specially on BV videos, I didn’t see the same chemistry they had during 2013 to 2015. Those early years they were really loud I even saw Jin openly hugging Joon in front of the cam or what or that video where they said they really like each other. Then come 2016-2017, made me wonder…where did the closeness go? Why are they a bit distant? Then I came across your theories and I started pinning it on the years.

    Then come the present time. I remember this one youtube comment that said, Joon and Jin surprised him a bit since they suddenly became so close lately, apparently the ‘sudden’ closeness starting from late 2018 till now which I totally agree on. On 2018 there’s Kore (who was made earlier as I’ve heard) which they say was created for the lonely whale in Whalien 52. Lately, they are always together and been making inside jokes and strange gestures that I don’t think is befitting the term, ‘friends’ and is also quite sneaky which I find weird, I mean…why would you hide being affectionate with a member if all other members are openly affectionate with each other…? Unless you have a secret you need to keep.

    Anyways, if any other people will read this comment, please don’t hate on me. This is just my wonders and perhaps imagination as well.

    Thank you for this wonderful theory and I will really be on tabs on the updates. Hopefully you have a theory how they made up if they broke up.

    Have a nice day to you, be healthy and be safe! Lots of love!

    1. Hi Enel!
      The beautiful thing about the Love Yourself albums… is that you can only truly get the details if you analyse all of the perspectives and not just one of them. Based on Yoongi’s perspective, which I have analysed but not published because we are focusing in Joon, I can tell you that Outro: Her is set pre-December 2015 😊
      This time line is to the tee consistent with your time line 🙃
      And agree, why would you hide your affection when you’re openly affectionate with everyone else? It is because… the relationship is real… and unfortunately in their society… it is not accepted.
      And the songs do tell us what happened after, but as I have recently come to realise, their story crosses over into MOTS7 as well!
      In other words… we have many chapters to go!

      Thank you and have a lovely day yourself! Take care! 😊💜 x G

      1. Hi Judith!
        Many many thanks for sharing this comment. I also believe the ‘ugly’ part is about Joon always hides his pain within himself. Jin hinted many times that he’s happy to share burden from Joon(but obviously Joon put the pain in his world). Which I think, made Jin really angry. From what I’ve watched so many videos between Namjin, there were some times early when Joon pushed Jin when Jin hugged him. I’ve listened Joon’s Mono these days and it really made me cry. Tokyo and Bad Bye really ache. Also, they have many songs about ‘dangerous situation /relationship’ like House of Cards. I don’t remember in where (comeback live I think) , but Jimin said these years they all are more honest about how they feel. Joon said in his vliveabout Jamais Vu concept was based on video game but he commented it making his heart ache. 2016 when they first got the award, Mama I think. There were some vibes as well. Eyes can tell you know.
        Sorry my comment is really chaotic. Hope you all stay healthy and well in 2021 and forward.
        Loads of love💙❤️

  11. So Jin and Namjoon broke up …..
    Why? Will they fight for their love? Will they be together in the end? So many questions. I just hope it solves. I can’t bear to see any of them in pain . Thank you blogger nim for an update. Hope you and your loved ones are well and safe. Hope for more updates. But I must say thanks to you I think I understood the meaning of Euphoria as I was having a look at it’s lyrics though I will have to wait for an update about it to confirm my theory.
    PS : Should I call you unnie or oppa please let me know

    Borahae 💜💜💜

    1. Hi Caji! You can call me unnie! 😊
      And ooh! I’m so happy to hear that you’re re-visiting lyrics and reflecting on them! I look forward to hearing your thoughts when I get to Euphoria!
      With regard to what will happen to them in the end…the Love Yourself albums leave us with hanging, but the answer is in MOTS7.
      All I can say is… have faith in true love and destiny 😊💜
      Hope you and your friends and family are keeping safe and well too!
      보라해! x g

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