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Pied Piper – Analysed and Explained

Pied Piper

Hi everyone,

Hope you’re all having an amazing day and welcome back to Pied Piper.

Today, we are going to begin our analysis of the third group of songs: Pied Piper, 바다 (Sea), 134340, 낙원 (Paradise), Love Maze and So What.

The way I like to think about this group is: The songs we have been studying (i.e. Serendipity to MIC DROP) are like the Marvel movies that build up to the finale of Avengers: Endgame. Similarly to the Avengers series, there is a beginning and an end, and the series ends on a positive note where our heroes (aka BTS) have won against evil.

Because we watch the movies in chronological order, we can look back and see their character development over time and understand their emotions and motivations behind all of their actions.

However, there are naturally still holes in the timeline and stories that remain untold at the end of Avengers: Endgame. This is where the third group of songs come in. I like to think of the third group of songs as the Black Widow movie to the Avengers series.

Like this third group of songs, Black Widow is set after Captain America: The First Avenger (i.e. Serendipity), before Avengers: Endgame (i.e. MIC DROP), but told after Avengers: Endgame has finished. Though it exists in the same universe and has links to the main story, the third group of songs can be enjoyed separately because their storylines are:

This, is how I believe we should think about this third group of songs.

So let’s get started!

Assumed Knowledge & Assumptions

I have written this post assuming you know:

New Readers

Hello there and welcome to my blog! I’m sorry to say that if you haven’t read any of the above posts… I may lose you in the detail as my lyrical analyses are built on existing knowledge!

This is simply because all of the songs are interconnected and need to be read in a specific order for it to make sense, just like a book.

This idea is completely consistent with what Namjoon said about the Love Yourself albums – That there is a narrative throughout the albums.

If you’re wondering where to start, please start here.

Please also note the assumptions I apply when I analyse songs.

Enjoy! 😊

1. Namjoon’s VLive

At 20.21 of his VLive, Namjoon spoke about Pied Piper and said the following:

I think it is beyond any concept actually. When I first wrote the rap part, when I wrote the rap part to ‘Pied Piper’, we assigned a role to each member.

My role was to express our gratitude for our fans, but in a unique way. So I was a little worried. I was afraid that it might offend some fans. I’m not saying that’s natural, it was really my friends, the friends of my friends, and my friends and relatives, or my sister’s friends, they all told me they interpret the meaning behind the music video, they struggle to get a ticket for our concert, they always tell me those things in the letters, how they express how much they love us, I wanted to express our gratitude in a unique way.

I wrote the lyrics for the chorus and hook parts.

It is important to note that Yoongi and Hobi are also accredited authors for this song. Thus, I think it is safe to say that the big picture is:

Pied Piper is an expression of BTS’ gratitude to ARMY.
Or more specifically: BTS’s gratitude towards ARMY’s indulgence, enthusiasm and love for BTS.

But as we will soon see, Pied Piper isn’t exactly a happy warm and fuzzy fan song like Magic Shop.

Though Pied Piper is a thank you song to ARMY… it is also a gentle warning.

This is why Namjoon was nervous and afraid that it might offend some friends.

Pied Piper wasn’t written for you to walk away feeling happy warm and fuzzy especially if you relate to the lyrics. If you walk away feeling warm and fuzzy, you haven’t been listening to the lyrics closely.

The lyrics are designed to make you feel uncomfortable so that you are prompted to reflect on your obsession with BTS.

BTS have done this because simply… they care. Unhealthy obsessions and addictions are not healthy.

2. The Pied Piper

As you may have guess from the title, this song is based on the folktale of the Pied Piper.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin is the titular character of a legend from the town of Hamelin (Hameln), Lower Saxony, Germany. The legend dates back to the Middle Ages, the earliest references describing a piper, dressed in multicolored (“pied”) clothing, who was a rat-catcher hired by the town.

The folktale goes as such:

In 1284, while the town of Hamelin was suffering from a rat infestation, a piper dressed in multicolored (“pied”) clothing appeared, claiming to be a rat-catcher. He promised the mayor a solution to their problem with the rats. The mayor, in turn, promised to pay him for the removal of the rats (according to some versions of the story, the promised sum was 1,000 guilders). The piper accepted and played his pipe to lure the rats into the Weser River, where they all drowned.

Despite the piper’s success, the mayor reneged on his promise and refused to pay him the full sum (reputedly reduced to a sum of 50 guilders) even going so far as to blame the piper for bringing the rats himself in an extortion attempt. Enraged, the piper stormed out of the town, vowing to return later to take revenge. On Saint John and Paul’s day, while the adults were in church, the piper returned dressed in green like a hunter and playing his pipe. In so doing, he attracted the town’s children. One hundred and thirty children followed him out of town and into a cave and were never seen again.

The significance of this is that BTS have characterised themselves as the Pied Piper and ARMY as the children in the lyrics.

As you can see from the Folktale, this isn’t exactly a great thing. Like the Pied Piper, BTS are aware of how dangerous they can be. By simply performing their music, they can make ARMY fall under their spell.

Coincidentally (or not?), we also discussed how rats are a reference to haters in MIC DROP.

If this was intentional, then BTS taking on the persona of the Pied Piper is extra symbolic because the Pied Piper is a rat-eradicator.

As we saw in MIC DROP, BTS eradicates haters.

3. The BTS/ARMY Relationship

Since the lyrics are about BTS/ARMY’s relationship, it makes sense to simply refer to the speaker as BTS.

I refer to the following lyrics:

You like it more because it’s bad
You know it deep inside
You can’t be stopped now (You can’t stop)
So let’s be more honest

Now stop watching and study for your exam
Your parents and boss(es) hate me
Videos you’ve already watched, various photos, Twitter,
V App, Bon Voyage
I know, you like them so much that you can’t help it
Stop, analyse the music video later
You have so many pictures of me in your room anyway
It’s not just one hour, it’s a whole year or two that’ll fly by
This song is a reward that I’m giving to you

*착해 (Chakae) can mean good girl, or good boy, or good fan, or good ARMY, etc. In Hangul it is common for the subject to be omitted from a sentence. This is why many things in Hangul are implied and need to be considered in context. Without the subject, the noun is ambiguous. For the purpose of this analysis and to be consistent with the Love Yourself albums, I’m going to assume the subject/noun is ARMY and use the pronoun Her/She.

If you reflect on the above lyrics, you may notice that the lyrics are written with a high degree of intimacy in the same way a boyfriend/friend (BTS) would speak to his girlfriend/best friend (ARMY). Like a boyfriend in a relationship, BTS has been with ARMY long enough to know exactly what ARMY likes (You like it more because it’s bad), what ARMY is doing right now (now stop watching and study for your exam), and even what ARMY’s family and work colleagues think about them (your parents and boss(es) hate me).

This intimacy and unbalanced power are concerning as BTS makes it clear that they know that they have ARMY wrapped around their finger, “you can’t be stopped… you can’t stop… I know, you like them so much that you can’t help it.”

The endless list of videos, photos, Twitter, V App, Bon Voyage, music videos and pictures of the boys paints an image of excessive consumption which BTS themselves state, “it’s bad.” It is bad because ARMY gives every minute of her day, energy and attention to BTS instead of her work, studies and responsibilities. As a result, the quality of her life, work and studies have suffered.

We know that ARMY ignored the suggestion to “stop, analyse the music video later” because in the pre-chorus, it states, “it’s not that you’re being punished.” These lyrics convey to us the understanding that because ARMY knew she did the wrong thing, she thought she was about to be punished.

Thus, what is so interesting about Pied Piper is that BTS rewards ARMY for her bad choices. BTS praises ARMY by calling her a “good girl” (착해) and giving her, ironically, another piece of content for her to consume: This song.

If reading that made you feel uncomfortable and you felt like you were reading about a boyfriend rewarding his girlfriend with drugs because she can’t stop taking drugs – that is exactly the point.

The message is meant to make you feel conflicted because of the bad influence.

4. Dangerously Irresistable

I refer to the following lyrics

It’s not that you’re being punished
Come here, I’m your paradise
Can’t close your eyes (Can’t close your eyes)
Even if you try to resist, you won’t be able to help it
(Don’t refuse me)
Just close your eyes and listen to it closely

Follow the sound of the pipes, follow this song
Though I’m a bit dangerous, I’m too sweet
I came to rescue you, I came to ruin you
You’re the one who called me, see, I’m sweet
Follow the sound of the pipes
I’m takin’ over you
I’m taking over you

As I explained above, BTS rewarding ARMY by giving (an already addicted) ARMY a new piece of content to consume evokes an uncomfortable but exciting naughty feeling of a dangerous and unhealthy relationship. The lyrics can also be interpreted in double entendres which may explain why Namjoon was giggling shyly (or slyly?) at 21.37 to 21.56 of his VLive.

There is a sense of utter helplessness from ARMY who is completely hypnotised by them, “can’t close your eyes…even if you try to resist, you won’t be able to help it…” This is juxtaposed against BTS who is fully in control, guaranteeing ever so simply that ARMY “won’t be able to help it,” “I came to ruin you,” and promising that they will take over her.

The tone and lyrics to ARMY are commanding, “don’t refuse me,” “come here,” “I’m taking over you.”
We can clearly imagine ARMY hearing these commands and following them dutifully to the end. If the lyrics commanded ARMY to walk into the river… there is a chilling certainty that ARMY would follow too.

BTS sweetly encourages ARMY to close her eyes, listen to their song, and follow the music “Just close your eyes and listen to it closely, Follow the sound of the pipes, follow this song… Follow the sound of the pipes…” The suggestions are so irresistible, so natural and oh so so so easy to follow. Unnervingly, there is not single hint of resistance from ARMY in the lyrics.

What I absolutely love about the lyrics is how ironic it is. If ARMY actually listened closely, she would easily realise how much trouble she is in.

But how many ARMYs know that the flowers are blooming and how many ARMYs know the number of petals the flowers have?

Like a drug, BTS’ nature is “a bit dangerous.” They can either rescue ARMY or ruin ARMY. Unfortunately, they can’t choose their nature. Thus, the only thing they can do is warn ARMY not to overdose on them, like a disclaimer on a drug packaging.

In the end, BTS makes it clear that ARMY is fully responsible for her choices and for herself. But, whatever choice she makes, BTS will always be there, waiting for her.

Come here, ARMY I’m your paradise*

“Rescue” and “Ruin” are just two different sides of the same coin.

*You may wish to consider the interpretation of paradise from The SEAcret “whole new” side of Namjoon and Tonight (이 밤)

5. ARMY’s Addiction

Next, BTS describes ARMY losing all sense of control and free will as they take over her:

You know it’s already started
at the moment you hear that sound
Perhaps, yeah, I’m a bit dangerous (a bit dangerous)
like the Pied Piper who leads you
I test you (test you)

like the forbidden fruit you’re attracted to, knowing what it means
My pipes wake everything up
That sound teases you even more
You react, pulled along
I constantly blow into the pipes
I’m your guilty pleasure
You can’t escape

Consistent with what we have already discussed, the words “dangerous,” “forbidden fruit” and “guilty pleasure” all have negative connotations and convey the understanding that BTS is not something “good” for ARMY. BTS paint themselves as a dangerous object of addiction and desire, and ARMY, a hopeless addict that can’t stop consuming the sweet sweet forbidden fruit, whose willpower has become so weak she can only react and be pulled along with the music.

The sinister undertone has grown too. Earlier, BTS gave ARMY a choice/chance to stop, “stop, analyse the music video later” and there was that small possibility that she may be able to stop her addiction from growing.

However, because ARMY gave into temptation and ate the forbidden fruit, her path to addiction is complete. Now, she can never escape from this “paradise”.


6. Forgive me for I am helpless too

I refer to the following lyrics:

Yeah, I’m a bit dangerous
Even I can’t handle myself
Don’t worry, my hands are
warm only for you
If perhaps I’m ruining you,
would you forgive me
Because you can’t live without me
and I know it all*

I’m takin’ over you
I’m takin’ over you

*This can also be interpreted as “you know it all”, or “your boss knows it all” or “your parents know it all”, “you all know it all”, etc. This is for the same reasons as I’ve discussed above, the subject/noun is ambiguous and is open to interpretation.

To ARMY who is being ruined, BTS asks for her forgiveness because “even I can’t handle myself.” Unfortunately, as music artists, they will always be playing the pipes.

We can observe that the intimacy never stops as BTS tells ARMY “my hands are warm only for you.” This tender comforting promise has the psychological effect of making ARMY feel special and safe, making it more certain that ARMY will choose to stay with BTS even if she was going to be completely ruined by them.

After all, we can see that ARMY has grown to become dependent on BTS. Because of her dependency and the way BTS can affect her feelings, her thoughts, her actions and behaviours like a drug… she can no longer live without them.

And BTS knows this.

Author’s Thoughts

Addiction, obsession and dependency can be a scary thing. When I was analysing Pied Piper, it was only appropriate that I reflected on myself and approximated where I am on the scale of idol/fan obsession.

The funny thing is, I think many ARMY friends that I have made would classify me as a casual listener/fan, and many of my friends (in my real life) would probably label me as an obsessed fan. This I believe, is a reflection of how high up the scale one can go.

To be clear, there is no right and wrong as to where on the scale you need to be, and no one should be judging your position on the scale. However, I think there is something wrong and that you need to be warned if you’re very high up on the scale and you haven’t realised how high up you are. It is dangerous if you have closed your eyes and you haven’t realised that you’re completely under the control of the Pied Piper.

Thus, self-awareness is really the present BTS is trying to give us here. Enjoy our music, but please be aware of yourselves and be careful. It is a slippery slope to (uncontrollable) addiction.

Stay healthy, safe and happy everyone 💜

💜 G

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Lyric sources:

Doolset lyrics

Please note I made some minor updates where I thought things could be expressed better. These minor updates do not result in any substantial change in meaning.


As per my first author’s note, please, no hate!

I do not have a shipping or individual bias, I love all seven members equally and I do not write my blogs because of a particular personal desire for one of them. I reached my conclusion on Joon and Jin being together based on the lyrics, logic and patterns as I have discussed in all my posts (i.e. I did not ship Namjin first, and then started trying to find things to prove my point). I genuinely enjoy all ships because I enjoy watching the different chemistries between the boys.

It does not matter one bit to me if they are straight, gay, intersex, a skrull, a mutant or if they could lay eggs. I love them wholeheartedly (as a sister who would love her younger brothers) for their individual selves.

This theory of Pied Piper is based on my interpretations of its lyrics. Please enjoy.

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